You're invited...

Chamber membership is an investment in your community:
Your investment helps existing businesses grow and add jobs, and supports efforts to attract new investors to our area.  Membership provides you with business networking and educational opportunities, and information about issues impacting our community.
Who we are:
Members include businesses large and small, non-profit organizations, and individual contributors; people just like you who want to see our area communities thrive and grow.  The Chamber represents the business community by working with local municipalities, government agencies, and various working groups; people working together toward common goals to help our community better realize its full potential.

 You care about your community and your business.
We pledge to support you and your interests in every way we can.

Please help by becoming an active member today
by completing and returning the membership application with your check.

Monthly "Business After Hours" networking opportunities​

Participation in programs to benefit your community

Promotional literature displays to present your materials

Representation on government and community boards

Membership mailing lists​

Access to business development professionals

Inclusion of your materials in mailings and relocation packages

Advertising opportunities​


Enjoy the benefits by joining the Pulaski Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce today!

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